Hi, JOHN. It’s been a bit since we last connected, and I wanted to see how you’re doing, how MAGA Republican John James is treating you, and what issues are top of mind for you and your family.

I’ll go on but first, would you mind taking my short survey? I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

I decided to run for Congress in 2022, because MI-10 is my home. My family has been here for generations and I want future generations to take pride in it as well.

I believe everyone here deserves better paying jobs, affordable health care, and a strong, diverse economy. And, I believe that Michigan’s working families deserve the protections they need and the benefits they have earned.

Now that there is a bit of daylight between us and the 2022 election, I want to hear you’re doing, JOHN. Will you share what issues matter the most to you and your family? It should take less than two minutes for you to fill out our issues survey.


Thank you,
