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Our so-called leaders think they have gotten away with turning their backs on us. 

As someone who's fed up with all the corruption and is running for Congress to unseat politicians who protect the status quo, I believe it's my duty to step up and demand some accountability.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich does too, and he’s urging Congress to hold Biden’s feet to the fire AND to also look into the corruption surrounding Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. I couldn’t agree more! 

Gingrich's words resonate deeply, especially as we learn about the thousands of incriminating emails connected to Biden's pseudonym accounts. The House GOP’s talk of an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden is heating up. 

But we can't stop there. We need to dig deeper and figure out what else has been going on, because it's way bigger than just Biden's son.

Fake names, secret servers – evidence of millions in pay-to-play schemes that enriched them while impoverishing us. I'm sick of it, and I know you are too. I need to show that Nevadans are with me in my call to see that the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons in our government must ALL be held accountable for their deceit and lawlessness!

John, join me in taking a stand. We’re demanding that the same rule of law we are held to – is applied to them!
Let's stand up together and show the Corrupt DC Cartel that we won't back down. 
For America, 
Elizabeth Helgelien
Candidate for U.S. Congress, NV-3
P.S. The Establishment has hedged their bets by putting in a 'Republican' who endorsed my opponent Susie Lee. Your grassroots support is urgently needed to ensure that we succeed in putting the brakes on the status quo!
Paid for by Elizabeth for Nevada
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