Roll Call ranked me as the most vulnerable Democratic Senator running for reelection in 2024.
That’s on top of Sabato’s Crystal Ball and Inside Elections calling this race a toss-up. And it’s why Mitch McConnell has made Montana his top target. Not to mention, national Republicans are already hammering me with political ads that distort my record.
Look, I’m not panicking—but I am sounding the alarm.
A wave of outside money and attacks are about to flood into Montana. This will be one of the most expensive and competitive races on the map. It’s up to us to build a team strong enough to win.
Montana is a top battleground this cycle, and whether or not we pull off a win could come down to you. We’re $17,612 behind our end-of-month fundraising goal. That’s why I need your help, especially today:
Split a donation of $10 or more between my campaign and Remove Ron DeSantis to give us the necessary grassroots resources we need to stop Mitch McConnell from taking back the Senate majority.
So much is on the line: building an economy that works for all of us, getting dark money out of politics, protecting a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, and much more. We cannot afford to lose this race, that’s why your donation is so important today.
Thank you,
