Rather than focus on academic proficiency and knowledge students will harness for a lifetime of success, Democrats decided their priority was to spend massively in education funding fighting a culture war in the classroom. The Education Finance Bill was packed full of appropriations focused on pushing perversity in the name of diversity and implementing CRT. For example, Democrats mandated boy’s restrooms be stocked with menstrual products rather than meaningful change to sharpen minds and help students succeed academically.
Below are some of the 100% race-based appropriations in the Education Finance Omnibus bill totaling over $30 million:
Black Men Teach $1,000,000 – Twin Cities grant to recruit and train black men as teachers.
Ethnic studies community consultation $300,000 - To consult with community members throughout Minnesota on the development of ethnic studies curricula, resources, and implementation support.
Ethnic studies school grants $1,400,000 - For grants to school districts and charter schools to develop, evaluate, and implement ethnic studies courses.
Coalition to Increase Teachers of Color and American Indian Teachers $200,000 - For grant to the Coalition to Increase Teachers of Color and American Indian Teachers in Minnesota for nonlobbying activities and general operating expenses that support the recruitment and retention of racially and ethnically diverse teachers.
$300,000 is for an ethnic studies specialist in the academic standards division to provide support to the ethnic studies working group and to school districts seeking to establish or strengthen ethnic studies courses.
Collaborative urban and greater Minnesota educators of color grants $10,880,000
Mentoring, induction, and retention incentive program grants for teachers of color $7,000,000
Reports on increasing percentage of teachers of color and American Indian teachers $20,000
$4,000,000 for staffing the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Center at the Department of Education.
Closing educational opportunity gaps grants $6,000,000 - a grant program that address opportunity gaps resulting from curricular, environmental, and structural inequities in schools experienced by students, families, and staff who are of color or who are American Indian.
Athletic Race/Ethnicity Data Collection - $180,000
Alliance of Chicanos, Hispanics, and Latin Americans $500,000 - For a grant to
the Alliance of Chicanos, Hispanics, and Latin Americans (ACHLA) for the Juntos Club
to support English language learners, low-income students, migrant students, and Latinx
students with improving English and math proficiency.
Senate Republican Alternative Plan
Senate Republicans proposed an alternate plan that would invest the same amount of money into our schools but with far less mandates, enabling local school leadership and administrators to choose what is best for their students. By allowing schools to prioritize spending on what they need most and keeping mandates restricted to academics and school safety rather than cultural and political issues, we can address the unique needs of all students in Minnesota.