
I wanted to personally reach out before our critical fundraising deadline hits at midnight.

In case you missed it, on September 1st, several new laws will be taking effect in Texas that reflect our core conservative values. These laws protect the sanctity of life, our Second Amendment rights, our elections system, our children from radical ideologies, and defeat the woke mind virus.

If you support conservative wins like these, please rush in a donation before midnight!

I know you're busy, but I hope I can count on you to take a stand with us today. As Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, I can't stress enough how important your donation is to our party and efforts. We're facing a challenging political landscape, and we must be well-prepared to take on the battles ahead.

Don't let this deadline pass without showing your support. Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant impact on our ability to stand strong against the Radical Left's agenda. Will you stand strong with us?

With your support, I’m confident we can stop Biden and the Radical Left from destroying the America we both know and love. Join us today!

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Matt Rinaldi
Republican Party of Texas

---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Texas GOP
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2023, at 12:57 PM
Subject: ⚠️ August Fundraising Deadline ⚠️

On September 1st, several new laws will be taking effect in Texas, and they are a testament to our commitment to conservative values and victories.

From protecting the sanctity of life, to protecting our Second Amendment rights, to securing our elections system, to safeguarding our children from radical ideologies, to defeating the woke mind virus — these new laws reflect our core principles.

But here's the deal: Our August fundraising deadline is tomorrow, and to keep the momentum going, we need your support. Will you rush in a donation today to help us protect our conservative wins?
It won’t be long before the Radical Left bands together to try to get these new laws off the books. In fact, there are already multiple lawsuits pending. We must stand united against these attacks.

By donating today, you'll contribute directly to our mission to grow our grassroots network, continue electing Republican leaders who deliver, and advance conservative policies that benefit every Texan. Can we count on your support?
Time is ticking! Don’t let this deadline pass without taking the opportunity to show your support for conservative values. We’re dedicated to making Texas an even better place to live, work, and raise a family — and we hope you’ll join us in that effort!

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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