John, this email is longer than ones we usually send during our end-of-month push, but we hope you’ll read it through because it’s important.

91 charges. That’s how many felonies Donald J. Trump is charged with.

No president has been charged with a crime before Donald Trump. Now, in the span of just a few months, Trump has racked up indictments in four different jurisdictions (and counting).

This isn’t normal. We deserve better.

Yet knowing all of this, Trump is still the frontrunner for Republicans. He’s leading in all of the primary polls. GOP Senators are throwing their support to him. And he’s raising millions to try and defeat Joe Biden and take back the White House.

We don’t want to wake up next year in a country where Donald Trump is reelected and Mitch McConnell takes back the Senate — because the consequences could be too dangerous to fathom.

That’s why we’re on the front lines to defeat all of their right-wing allies and keep the Senate blue. To defend our democracy. To protect reproductive rights. And to be a brick wall to any right-wing extremism.

It’ll take a lot of resources to win in Trump-won states like Ohio and Montana, reelect vulnerable Senators like Sherrod Brown and Jon Tester, and keep the Senate blue. We’re ready to do that hard work. Can we count you in, John?

To help us protect our Senate majority, a generous group of donors is 3X-matching the first $25,000 in donations until 11:59 P.M. tonight. Will you rush in $10 (becomes $40) to help us overcome all the attacks Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are going to throw our way to Defend the Senate?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate