Friend, Chuck reached out to humbly ask if you could chip in a few dollars to help protect our Democratic Senate Majority. Can we count on you to answer his call?
Hitting our fundraising goals is crucial if we want to keep the Senate in Democratic hands. Thanks in advance for helping us raise the final bit we need to hit our $50,000 goal.
Team Schumer
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chuck Schumer
Date: Wed, August 30, 2023
Subject: Humbly asking
Friend, I'm humbly asking if you can chip in a few dollars to help hit our August goal and make sure we keep the Senate in Democratic hands.
We set a goal of raising $50,000 because that's what we need in order to be ready to defend our Democratic Senate Majority.
Republicans are already attacking vulnerable Democrats to claw back the two seats they need to take the Majority.
If the MAGA GOP takes back the Senate, there's no doubt in my mind they'll try to pass a national abortion ban, slash Social Security and Medicare and undo all the progress we made.
We need to make sure Democrats are able to fight back and win. So I'm asking you personally: can you chip in to help me keep Democrats in the Senate?
Every dollar makes a difference -- and I appreciate every single person who donates.
Chuck Schumer