If we want to protect democracy and keep pushing our country forward, we absolutely need to take back the House next year.
That means doing two things:
1) Flipping a handful of vulnerable Republican-held seats.
2) Defending EVERY Democrat-held seat — including this one.
Just one won’t be enough, John. We need to do both, which is why I’ve got to ask: Will you contribute $25 (or whatever you can) toward our $5,000 End-of-Month goal to keep KY-03 blue so we can do our part to take back the House?
Every blue seat we lose is one more red seat we have to flip in order to retake the House.
And with Republican gerrymandering and voter suppression, no seat is safe.
GOP mega donors and dark money super PACs are committing tens of millions of dollars to holding on to their majority and keeping Kevin McCarthy in power.
We all have to do our part to make sure they fail, John.
We need to hit our monthly fundraising goals to give Democrats a solid chance at flipping the House, and that starts now. Can I count on you to donate $25 to help Democrats retake the majority?
—Morgan McGarvey
