Featured chapter: CCL Kansas City
CCL Kansas City is an urban chapter with a core group of six volunteers, led by Alan Bauman and Jennifer Brown. The chapter is now back in the swing of in-person meetings after going virtual during the height of COVID. They have also been getting out in the community with local tree plantings, through a partnership with Heartland Tree Alliance, and summer tabling outreach.
“Most of our volunteers are retirees,” Alan says. “We strongly support engaging the youth of America.” To that end, Alan recently served as a mentor for a new, young chapter member working with CCL for school credit. Madalynn Sweet (pictured above), who has now graduated, was a senior at Oregon University studying Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences. “We were excited to have her participate in our chapter,” Alan says. In addition to involving her in chapter meetings, Alan encouraged her to explore CCL’s online trainings, and she jumped in with lessons on lobbying and carbon pricing. “Each step I take with CCL reaffirms my commitment to conservation and sustainability, as I believe that together, we can create a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come,” Madalynn wrote in a post for the chapter’s website. We love these cross-generational connections. Great work, Kansas City! CCL has nearly 400 chapters across the country. Find your local chapter today and get plugged in!