From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject I got a few free minutes here... ⌚
Date August 30, 2023 10:42 PM
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Team, it’s Ruben.

As I write this it’s about 3:30 PM in Arizona (6:30 PM for the east coasters) and I got a few free minutes here.

A few minutes might not seem like much, but between the campaign, my work in Congress, and my new baby girl, let me tell you — they’re a gift.

While I have the time, I wanted to read you in on our progress.

We started today about 2,000 donations short of where we want to be at midnight tomorrow. That’s about $60,000 — not a made up number, but one we have to hit.

So we sent an email and a text earlier today to close the gap, and we made a lot of progress to our goal.

And right now, as of 6:30 eastern time, we need about 200 more donations. That will put us where we need to be ahead of our final push tomorrow.

This will be the last email we send today, so I’m hoping you can help us make up the difference.

Can I count on you to make a contribution before midnight? I really do check in on our progress, especially around deadlines, and it’d mean a lot to see your name on the list. And with a big deadline tomorrow,

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Thanks. I hope you see these emails as a sign of how important your support really is. We’re depending on you.

- Ruben

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