Help mitigate their voter suppression attempts, ensure voters have the resources they need to access the ballot box, and protect our democracy. 

Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger have long, shameful records of voter suppression. Most recently, Raffensperger announced his plan to remove over 191,000 “inactive” voters from the rolls in August and move 184,000 more to “inactive” in future elections — disproportionately targeting Black and brown voters. That’s why we launched a new voter protection fund to fight back.

If you’re already feeling fed up with their attacks on our democracy, we’re asking you to be one of the 500 donors we need to contribute to the Free and Fair Elections Fund before midnight tomorrow.


And if you want to learn more, here’s just a snapshot of their anti-voter records: 

As Georgia Secretary of State from 2010 to 2018, Brian Kemp:
❌ Said he was concerned with Democrats “registering all these minority voters;”
❌ Investigated more than 10 Black women for so-called “voter fraud” and charged them with felonies, which were later dropped due to lack of evidence;
❌ Put registrations for 53,000 voters on hold before the 2018 election, nearly 70% of which were Black voters; 
❌ Supported consultants who advised counties on how to close precincts and polling places, resulting in Georgia counties closing a total of 214 polling locations — a higher percentage than in any other state;
❌ Canceled more than 1.4 million voters’ registrations by the end of his tenure, according to reports from the AJC.

As Governor of Georgia from 2019 to today, Brian Kemp:
❌ Signed SB 202 to impose burdensome voter ID requirements, criminalize handing out food and water to voters in line, permit mass voter challenges, place unnecessary limits on ballot drop boxes, and give Republican legislators the power to take over county Boards of Elections;
❌ Signed SB 441 to allow the Georgia Bureau of Investigations to investigate allegations of voter fraud and election crimes, feeding into Donald Trump’s false claim that the 2020 election was stolen;
❌ Signed SB 222, which criminalized hardworking elections officials and denied them necessary funds for our elections;
❌ Signed SB 92, which created a state commission to target and remove democratically elected district attorneys;
❌ Signed three pieces of legislation in 2023 alone aimed at taking over county Boards of Elections that have resulted in the removal of lawfully appointed Black members and Democrats from their ranks. 

As Georgia Secretary of State from 2018 to today, Brad Raffensperger: 
❌ Purged 309,000 voters — 4% of all Georgia voters — from the rolls in 2019, ahead of the upcoming presidential election cycle; 
❌ Purged another 100,000 voters from the rolls in 2021, ahead of the upcoming midterm election cycle; 
❌ Expressed his support for “a set of reforms to current national election law” in a letter to former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, like strict voter ID laws and bans on the secure practice of third-party ballot collection; 
❌ Supported SB 202, a law that made it easier for private citizens to submit mass voter challenges. This led to the challenging of 92,000 voters’ registrations in 2022;
❌ Attempted to block Saturday voting, causing confusion among voters and contradicting previous guidelines, during last year’s critical Runoff election cycle;
❌ Told reporters after the 2020 election, “I wish [Trump] would have won, and especially in Georgia. I certainly cast my vote for him;”
❌ Announced his plan to purge over 191,000 “inactive” voters from the rolls and move 184,000 more to “inactive” status.

To help prevent their future attacks on the freedom to vote, we’re asking you to chip in to the Free and Fair Elections Fund before midnight tomorrow. Your donation, of any size, will help fund our ongoing efforts to mitigate voter suppression attempts, ensure voters have the resources they need to access the ballot box, elect voting rights champions, and more.


Thank you for your support,

The Fair Fight Team