John – 

As one of my most loyal and committed supporters, I wanted to send a quick note before the August fundraising deadline to express my gratitude for your generous help. 

I know that this time of the year you are being bombarded with fundraising emails, text messages, phone calls, and everything else from politicians asking you to donate to their campaigns. 

I am sure it can be overwhelming, and hard to tell who is being honest, who is using cheap tricks and gimmicks, who is communicating a positive vision, and, ultimately, who you should send your hard-earned money to. 

My hope is that my messages to you have been useful and substantive, and that I’ve explained in detail how I use every dollar you send me to further our conservative movement. Let me share with you all that we’ve been able to accomplish TOGETHER thanks to your generous support. 

We’re able to communicate with millions of people across the country, with persuasive messaging on key issues that are at the heart of some of the most heated debates in America. I know our messaging campaigns on energy, climate change, border security, taking on the cartels, and so much more have brought more people to our side and that wouldn’t be possible without your help. 

We’re able to hold our Crenshaw Youth Summit in Texas, attracting thousands of young, active Americans from across the country to Houston for a weekend of fun, informative discussions that are meant to persuade young people to join the conservative movement. I truly believe these Youth Summits are ensuring the continued success of our movement for generations to come.

And, importantly, I’m able to stay in Congress and fight for the issues that matter to you. I take my legislative work seriously in Washington, passing bills to boost American energy production, reduce government spending and waste, secure our border and destroy the Mexican drug cartels.

Thank you so much for being on Team Crenshaw. I am so grateful for your continued, unwavering support.

In Service,
Dan Crenshaw
You can also call our office at 281-888-4016 to donate by phone. If you prefer to donate by mail, checks may be made payable and mailed to Dan Crenshaw for Congress, 5900 Memorial Drive, Suite 215, Houston, TX 77007.