Quincy Institute and Foreign Policy magazine
A New Vision for America In the World

The forum will center the growing calls for an end to endless war and a new U.S. foreign policy pursuing vigorous diplomacy and military restraint. Congressman Ro Khanna will present the case for reshaping American foreign policy along these lines, while General David Petraeus will make the case for continuing a foreign policy characterized by increased militarization.

The forum will feature numerous other leaders from the foreign policy, national security, and defense community, notably among them several advisers to leading Democratic presidential candidates. Matt Duss, foreign policy adviser to current frontrunner Senator Bernie Sanders, will lay out his candidate's foreign policy vision opposite Julianne Smith, adviser to Vice President Joe Biden.

U.S. foreign policy is at an inflection point: volatility in the Middle East, public frustration with U.S. military engagements, the rise of China, and the shift toward an increasingly multipolar world all suggest the need for recalibration of U.S. foreign policy for the 21st century. This forum will offer attendees a diverse and stimulating range of perspectives on what this recalibration should look like.

This event will be videotaped, and an edited version posted online later this week. For those in Washington D.C., there is now a waiting list to register, but onsite registration may still be possible depending on the availability of space tomorrow.

Event Details:  Wednesday, Feb 26, 2020 | 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Congressional Auditorium | Capitol Visitor Center | First St, NE Washington, DC 20515

See the event website for more information and to register.  Attendance is free of charge and per invitation only, pre-registration is required. 

U.S. foreign policy is at an inflection point: volatility in the Middle East, public frustration with U.S. military engagements, the rise of China, and the shift toward an increasingly multipolar world all suggest the need for recalibration of U.S. foreign policy for the 21st century. This forum will offer attendees a diverse and stimulating range of perspectives on what this recalibration should look like.

I hope that you can join us for this tremendously exciting event in person or online. 


Trita Parsi
Executive Vice President
Quincy Institute



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