Things are really heating up and I wanted to make sure you saw the important news ...

**NEWS ALERT: Oregon House Republicans join Senate Republicans in Capitol walkout over climate bill**

In protest, House Republicans have walked with the Senate Republicans. Together, they are taking a stand with working families in opposing Cap and Trade and the entire rigged process.

Now, it’s up to us to join them by fighting from the ground up to combat this bad bill and protect ourselves as taxpayers.

Will you help fund our grassroots movement AGAINST the outrageous legislation that will raise taxes, prices at the pump and overall energy costs?

Kate Brown and the Democrat supermajority have made it clear they have no interest in respecting the legislative process. They don’t believe Oregon voters have the right to even VOTE on it.

It’s absurd and Oregon families and small businesses need to know the truth about this horrible legislation.

Make sure Oregon voters hear the truth about this bad bill! Pitch-in whatever you can here to fund our grassroots movement to STOP THIS BILL >>

It has become increasingly clear that the majority is not interested in compromise when it comes to cap-and-trade.

All amendment requests were rejected and efforts to have legislation referred to the people for a vote have been rebuffed without a clear explanation as to why.

It’s up to us to fight back TODAY.

Can we count on you to help STOP this bill? Pitch-in $5, $15, $25 or whatever you can now to fund our effort to STOP the Cap & Trade Tax Scheme!

The bill is SO bad that even Democrats are speaking out against the Cap & Trade Tax Scheme and and the process that produced it.

Here’s how corrupt the process is - The Senate President even removed his own Democratic co-chair simply because she opposed the bill.

If it wasn't already clear, the majority party is completely out of control and they will stop at nothing unless we speak up and do our part.

Stand with us. Pitch-in here: 

Together for Oregon,

Bill Currier, Oregon Republican Party Chairman



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