It’s time to speak truth to power


The Zenith scandal continues to escalate as more details emerge about the cozy relationship between Portland City Officials and executives from the Houston-based fossil fuel corporation. 

It’s time to speak truth to power and expose this reckless and harmful behavior of Portland leaders. Can you join us September 6 at Portland City Hall to confront City Council and/or donate to help us bring this story to life in a short film?

Text messages and emails confirm that Portland Commissioners Carmen Rubio and Dan Ryan negotiated with officials from Zenith Energy, which operates an oil-by-rail facility in NW Portland. On July 29, 2022, these Portland leaders joined an invite-only meeting with Zenith officials at the Zenith terminal. This meeting facilitated the approval of the company’s permit, ensuring that the dirty energy company could continue its dangerous operations. 

This is unacceptable. These elected officials should be accountable to the people of Portland, not a Texas-based oil company. We have attempted to engage with City Councilors through appropriate channels, but we are being ignored. So we are going to the Portland City Council meeting at City Hall on Wednesday, September 6 at 9:00am to ensure that community voices are heard.


Breach is also arranging to tell this story on screen through a short and scathing film. Can you help us raise the $6,000 we need to make this film a reality?

We refuse to stand by while Portland City Council continues to put the health and safety of Portlanders at risk. 

For a safe, healthy Portland and planet,

The Breach Team
