Don't miss "Truly Affordable How can super-efficient affordable housing become the new normal?" on April 2. Space is limited, RSVP now!
Photo credit: Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States [CC BY]
Two weeks into what's shaping up to be a fast-paced legislative session, we're striving to make sure that all clean energy policies at the Capitol have equity at their core. 
Read up on a few of the key energy equity issues we're working on and listen to Fresh Energy's executive director, Michael Noble, and director of government affairs, Justin Fay, discuss Fresh Energy's overall legislative and policy goals on Decarbonize: The Clean Energy Podcast. Stream it here or download via your favorite podcast app.

Truly Affordable:
How can super-efficient affordable
housing become the new normal?

Join us over breakfast on April 2 and explore how Minnesota can build super-efficient buildings that are good for residents, the community, and the health of our state. Learn more and register here.
As consumers, we want to trust a product with "natural" in its name, but the ever-growing evidence of health, safety, and environmental risks posed by natural gas is making consumers think again. Learn how natural gas became a household staple and what you can do to change that.
Beer, Bees, and Honey: Solarama Crush is Back!
Mark your calendar for March 19 and lift a pint for the bees (and Fresh Energy) at 56 Brewing in Minneapolis! Proceeds from this event will be donated to Fresh Energy - what better way to spend the first day of spring? Learn more and let us know you're coming.
Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency
Aims to be 80% Carbon-Free by 2030

In case you missed it, SMMPA announced earlier this month they'll reshape their generation portfolio to include more wind and solar. Read Fresh Energy's statement here.
To continue our work, we rely on the generosity of people like you who care about America’s energy future. We are thankful for our recent members and corporate supporters in January. Click here to see the full list.

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