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Dear Friend,

Charitable contributions play a vital role in supporting our mission to promote racial, economic, and disability justice for all who call our nation home. With our end-of-month fundraising deadline quickly approaching, I’m reaching out to ask for your help to meet our grassroots fundraising goal of $5,600. If you’d like to donate to our organization right away, you can do so at this link. 

Through landmark legal cases, policy advocacy, and unwavering support for grassroots organizations, our lawyers are making significant advancements in our mission to:  

  • Broaden access to crucial public benefit programs  

  • Safeguard the rights and well-being of low-wage workers  

  • Empower disabled individuals to fully thrive in the community  

  • Champion immigrant rights  

  • Combat racist policing practices  

  • And more!  


NCLEJ is a small team that punches well above our weight. Our high-impact class action lawsuits help generate tangible, lasting improvements for hundreds of thousands of people nationwide. Our work is important – which is why we must acknowledge that it demands long-term commitment and sustained financial backing. Legal cases can take years before reaching a complete resolution, and throughout this period, our work never stops.  

I’m asking you to chip in whatever amount you can spare to help us achieve our $5,600 end-of-month fundraising goal. We need YOUR help so we can continue expanding our operations, taking more cases, and securing even bigger wins. 

As a friendly reminder, all contributions to our nonprofit organization are tax-deductible.    


Thank you,   

Dennis Parker    
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
Copyright © 2023 NCLEJ, All rights reserved.
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