Hey Team,
First, I just want to acknowledge the communities this weekend that were impacted by gun violence. These communities are in our thoughts and prayers -- but as AG Holder said, it's time for people to get directly involved and demand change. Common-sense gun violence laws are on the line. We can draw a direct line between gerrymandering and the lack of action in Congress and state legislatures on this issue. It's one of the many reasons our team is committed to fair maps.
Tonight, we'll be gathering with our people on our monthly AOTL volunteer call. As part of our dedication to helping folks get involved in this movement, we're hosting regular volunteer calls on the first Monday of every month -- it's a chance to hear directly from our team about updates on key fights, opportunities to volunteer, and ways to get involved with the teams in your state.
Register here for tonight's AOTL volunteer call at 8pm ET!
Wondering what to expect? Our North Carolina State Director Lekha will do a quick readout on what's happening in the fight to end gerrymandering in NC. Deputy Director Shehn will give us an exclusive sneak peek at our fall organizing plans. And as the new AOTL Training Director, I'll do a 101 on how to host a successful house party!
We're committed to building a strong grassroots movement to end gerrymandering -- and while the redistricting process might start in 2021, the fight for fair maps starts NOW.
If you're all in and ready to start organizing your community, join us tonight!
-- Mallory
Mallory Long
AOTL Training Director
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.