Dear John,

For two years, Allied Against Opioid Abuse (AAOA) has worked with partners to actively raise awareness of the rights, risks and responsibilities associated with prescription opioids. 

We could not have done it without you.

Together, we have reached more than 1 million Americans across the country with this message. The AAOA coalition has grown to include 19 national partners and thousands of supporters like yourself. 

Since launching in 2018, AAOA has developed more than 40 resources to help patients, consumers and healthcare providers understand the critical role they play in prescription opioid safety. 

In collaboration with our partners, AAOA developed toolkits with critical information targeted to specific populations, including the: 

  • AAOA Pharmacy Toolkit, to help pharmacists engage in conversations with their patients and healthcare provider colleagues about prescription opioids;
  • AAOA-HealthyWomen Toolkit, to educate women in their role as consumers and caregivers about prescription opioid abuse; and,
  • AAOA-NCL Consumer Toolkit, created alongside the National Consumers League, to reinforce the need for patients, caregivers, parents and others to understand their rights, risks and responsibilities associated with prescription opioid use.

AAOA also released a series of patient education videos featuring providers from the Cleveland Clinic and The Johns Hopkins Hospital to discuss important reminders about pain management, alternative treatment options to prescription opioids and how to talk to providers about the rights, risks and responsibilities associated with prescription opioids. 

Additionally, AAOA partners with the PA (Physician Assistant) Foundation on the national Pledge to Pause effort, which has engaged thousands of providers and PA students on the importance of educating their patients every time an opioid is prescribed.

Thank you for partnering with AAOA and helping us spread the word about the safe use, storage and disposal of prescription opioids. To learn more about our accomplishments and activities over the past two years, click here.

Allied Against Opioid Abuse


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