John – Just how safe are Texas’ children in our public schools? We are all involved in public education because we all pay taxes. If we believe government is “of, by, and for” the people, then we have a civic and moral duty to be concerned with the governance of public education. Therefore, we must make sure the schools are governed and operated well. By now, you’re familiar with the pornographic filth in Texas school libraries. Texas Scorecard was the first news organization to report on those findings, as uncomfortable (and sometimes graphic) as that had to be. Thankfully, the legislature passed a bill that will rid schools of such materials. Are kids physically safe? Shockingly, they are not. Soon, the newest season of our explosive investigative podcast series EXPOSED will launch. This season exposes the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse taking place in taxpayer-funded schools. There’s a lot to be done! The most important “who” in the question of fixing government schools? Well, that is you and me. Here is an unavoidable truth: We get the government we ignore. This is the fault of the 85 percent of voters individually who ignore the school board elections. This is the fault of the taxpayers who don’t demand a better accounting of their dollars. So, how do we turn this around? How do we improve? The only meaningful way to start reforming any system is for people to be aware of the problems. That’s why we need your help. Texas Scorecard is committed to informing citizens about the reality of our state and local government, including the schools. We are going to offer the uncomfortable facts. Can you sign up to give at least $25 a month? If you do, we’ll send you one of our travel mugs as a thank-you gift! Texas Scorecard won’t be able to cover all 1,200 school districts, but with your support, we will be able to provide enough information so citizens can ask better questions and take action in their own hometowns. Thank you for answering the call. Thank you for never backing down from what’s right. For Texas,
P.S. Government schools are not a safe place for our children. It’s up to each of us to fix this problem. Can you chip in $25 to help us reach more Texans with the truth about what’s happening? If you make it a monthly gift, we’ll send you a travel mug! |