This is a long message, but it’s important. I need to talk to you about the shooting in Jacksonville.
This shooting was not only a stark reminder that we can’t afford to turn a blind eye to racist violence—especially as hate and gun violence are so intertwined in our country—but of the strong ties the gun lobby has to many members of Congress.
This should be a no-brainer: Congress has a duty to take action on gun violence for every child in the United States. But the GOP leadership in the House is too closely tied to the gun industry for it to realistically happen, unless we vote them out.
Let me illustrate what those close ties actually look like. I was horrified to read that the gun used in this shooting was made right here in South Carolina, our organization’s home state, by the Palmetto State Armory—which is co-owned by the son of South Carolina’s Congressman Joe Wilson.
How can there be accountability when the people who write our gun laws are the ones who have benefitted from the proliferation of guns in America for years?
Now, I need your help to spread the truth. Our team at Their Future PAC has a media plan to raise awareness about this very issue. But we need your help to spread the word: Will you chip in $10 towards our $9,000 media fund goal before the holiday weekend so we can launch next week?
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Thank you,
CEO and Co-founder, Their Future PAC