Paid for by Arizona Democrats

Senator Mark Kelly






Hey there — it’s Mark Kelly.

I’m reaching out today because I hope you’ll pitch in to support the Arizona Democratic Party before their end-of-month fundraising deadline. Let me take a moment to tell you why your contribution today is so important.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks to the grassroots organizing efforts led by the Arizona Democratic Party last year, I was re-elected to the Senate and we were able to elect Governor Katie Hobbs, Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, and Attorney General Kris Mayes. But even after such important wins, we still have more to do in 2024: 

We have to re-elect President Biden to the White House.

We have to keep National Republicans from instituting a national ban on abortion.

We have to flip the state legislature and protect the right to vote from those who would seek to undermine it.

We can build on the momentum from last year and elect even more Democrats in Arizona to help accomplish these things, but the party needs your help today to do that. Will you pitch in before this month’s fundraising deadline?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

With your support, we can expand our strategy to mobilize even more Arizonans across the state, but we can’t get there without a strong grassroots coalition.

Thanks for stepping up and pitching in today.
