Dear John,
I recently came across a testimony from a school board meeting in which the presenter shared the following illustration:
In her memoir, "The Hiding Place," holocaust survivor Corrie Ten Boom tells the story of a conversation she had with her father on a train ride when she was a young girl. Corrie asked her father a question about sex, but instead of answering her directly, he reached above his head and took down his heavy suitcase. "Will you carry it off the train, Corrie?" her father asked. Struggling to lift the bag filled with items from her father's watch-making business, Corrie confessed, "It's too heavy."
Her father agreed, commenting, "And it would be a pretty poor father who would ask his little girl to carry such a load. It's the same way, Corrie, with knowledge. Some knowledge is too heavy for children. When you are older and stronger you can bear it. For now, you must trust me to carry it for you."
What a powerful image of a father's role in protecting his child's innocence and carrying the responsibility of directing her upbringing, care, and education.
That is a parent's God-given role, but today, radical LGBT activists, local school officials, and leftists in government believe parental rights end when your child walks into a public school.
As a grandfather, I'm extremely concerned about my grandchildren and the agenda being pushed on them through America's education system.
Thankfully, Family Research Council is leading the charge to help parents reestablish their authority and safeguard their children's hearts, minds, and even physical bodies.
The key is to educate and equip Americans with the truth so they can advocate for and protect children in schools from coast to coast. But we need your help!
Will you take a moment to fill out the short Protect Students Survey to help us understand how LGBT ideology in schools is affecting your family?
The results of this survey will help us to educate everyone -- from policymakers to parents -- on how pervasive these problems are and to press for changes to be made to protect our nation's children.
You must understand what we are up against: if you don't capitulate to radical LGBT activists' ideology, they will use intimidation as a means to double down on their efforts.
Just look at who the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put on their annual "Year in Hate and Extremism" list: parents!
The SPLC report lumps groups of parental rights organizations across the country under the term "extremist" for their objection to schools promoting pornographic books, Critical Race Theory, and gender ideology to children.
That's right. Moms and dads who are just doing what they were created to do -- protect their children -- are labeled extremists and put on a "hate map."
Nicole Neily of Parents Defending Education (one of the groups on the list) told FRC President Tony Perkins on Washington Watch, "This is just an attempt to chill [speech] and silence parents. But at the end of the day, we will not be silenced."
John, silence is not an option for any of us.
As citizens and taxpayers, we must take back our schools and lift this heavy burden along with parents who are working to protect their children.
This is a spiritual battle, and kids are caught in the crosshairs of an evil agenda. It's not enough to put a stop to the lies and dangerous ideologies. We must equip believers with a biblical worldview to train up their children (Proverbs 22:6).
Now more than ever, we must stand for biblical truth so our kids can, too! Will you stand with FRC?
Fill out the Protect Students Survey so that we can pass on the results to help educate parents and policymakers.
And as this 2023-24 school year is beginning, join me in praying for a hedge of protection around our nation's students.
Thank you for responding quickly!
For America,

William G. Boykin Lt. Gen. (R) US Army Executive Vice President