Ayanna is focused on dismantling systems of oppression and advancing racial justice.

Bowman for Congress


Ayanna Pressley is one of the strongest champions for racial justice in Congress today.

She's bold. She's effective. She's committed.

And that's why clout-chasing Republican presidential candidates are attacking her.

Let me be clear: when someone calls a Black Congresswoman a leader of the modern KKK not only are they dead wrong but they are wielding deeply dangerous rhetoric, the kind of rhetoric that has cost Black folks their lives.

It would be laughable if it weren't so serious. They're trying to stir up animosity, seed violence, and get their faces on the news -- any way they can.

We'll always call out these racist and bad faith attacks when they happen, but we won't be distracted.

Even as Republican candidates are invoking her name to fan the flames of white supremacy, I know Ayanna will stay focused on advocating and legislating to dismantle systems of oppression and advance racial equity.

I'll be standing alongside her in that fight -- join me by chipping in $5 right now.


Peace and love,
