Friends and fellow patriots,
Attention Denton County! We are building out our core volunteer team! This is your chance to really be a key player in True Texas Project Denton County. We are looking for the following volunteers (you don't have to be from Denton, just plan to attend the Denton meetings):
- Set up/Tear Down Captain (1): one person who will lead the crew in setting up the room and then making sure it is left better than we received it when we are done. The captain will make sure volunteers are scheduled to help and that the work gets done. The captain will usually be the first to arrive and the last to leave. This is a very key and important position!
NOTE: Captains do not necessarily have to be there every month as long as s/he has a crew in place that knows what to do.
- Set up crew (2-3 + captain): a few folks to help the captain get the room set before the meeting. Would need to arrive by 5 or 5:30pm. Positions can be rotated if you are not available every month.
- Tear Down crew (2-3 + captain; could be the same 3 as set up): a few folks to help the captain leave the room better than we found it. Would have to stay after til 8:30 or later.
- Food Captain (1): makes sure pizza is ordered for every meeting and brings the waters/sodas, napkins and plates. This requires purchasing drinks and supplies in advance and lugging them to the meeting! Big job for someone with a servant's heart, but we are very grateful! It's easiest if this person covers the cost and then turns in receipts for reimbursement. Initially, this person would decide what pizza company to use, and decide if you want to pick it up or have it delivered. You'd make guesses each month on how much to order. It will take time to get it right... no worries!
- Food crew (1-2 + captain): a few folks to help set up and serve the food, collect the $5 per person, clean up afterwards. If we have multiple volunteers, the captain can rotate you each month, but we've found that often 2-3 people really get the groove and are good to just take care of it every month.
- Registration Captain (1): brings the check-in paperwork to each meeting, keeps roll, gives out nametags, gives goody bags to first time guests and gets their contact info, coordinates volunteer team.
- Registration Team (2 + captain): a couple folks to help check people in as described in the captain role. Can be rotated each month. This role requires smiley faces and patience! You'd be surprised how offended people can get if you don't remember their name or how to spell it, or if they have to wait in line! LOL
- Hospitality Captain (1): this team does whatever it takes to make it as easy as possible once people show up! From putting out directional signs on the street to staffing greeters at the door, to helping people find seats in a crowded room... the hospitality teams makes sure everyone feels welcome and at home. The captain works with his/her crew to accomplish that.
- Hospitality Crew (3 + captain): Again, this crew can be rotated so the same people don't have to serve every month if that is what is desired. Mostly just smile and be friendly and helpful!
- Sales/Donations (1): One trusted person to man the tshirt sales, keep an eye on the donation jar, and pass the hat during meetings. All monies collected are handed off at the end of the evening directly to a TTP Board member. This person might recruit one helper for passing the hat.
So now the question is... what will YOU do? Join in the fun!
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project
PS. Our captains and crew are VITAL to making our monthly Tarrant meetings a success! This is a good time to thank Beth Buresh (Registration Captain), Randy King (Hospitality Captain), Mike McCoy (Food Captain), Mary Bosworth (Sales), and their teams! If you're wondering why I did not include setup/teardown, it's because our new Exec Director Shamain Webster has taken over that role. She's not a volunteer, but she's fantastic! |