![]() Patriot, It’s back . . . or is it? When the Covid tyranny struck Americans full force and met little resistance, we warned it was just a matter of time before it happened again. Despite everything we’ve learned – the government lied about the origin of the virus, lied about isolation and masking preventing the spread, lied about the vaccines – the Biden regime is making moves behind the scenes to impose lockdowns and mask and vaccines mandates all over again. There can be no doubt what this is all about. Covid tyranny was the best thing Joe Biden ever had going for him. The bogus “emergency” allowed Biden to push unrelated policies like student loan debt amnesty without congressional approval and Build Back Better with their ok. And it made his buddies in Big Pharma rich. But most of all, the lockdowns destroyed civil society. It was an assault on our churches, our communities . . . and our ability to organize politically and hold secure elections. That’s exactly what Biden needs, and you can expect the full weight of institutions aligned with the Biden regime – that is, almost all of them – to dutifully, even gleefully go along with the Big Lies all over again. The good news is, more and more Americans know this is all a fraud. In the past two years, public confidence in health care officials dropped from 44% - which was already extremely low – to an abysmal 34%. So while the threats of mandatory masking and vaccinations and lockdowns are being pushed and promoted in some circles . . . . . . you and I have an opportunity to say, “NO WAY!” You and I MUST DEMAND Congress REFUSE to fund Biden’s Covid tyranny and BLOCK any related emergency he declares. ![]() Joe Biden even had the audacity to demand taxpayer funding for a new vaccine “that works” Because they’ve all had to admit the other jabs didn’t work. But these people are shameless. They lied about the vaccines, were caught red-handed, and yet they continue to demand your obedience to the same lies all over again. Thinking they were being responsible citizens, millions of Americans jumped through every hoop the government told them to – even to the point of neglecting the needs of children and the elderly. We all have some story. A child suffering from learning loss. A grandparent who attempted suicide after a holiday season alone. A friend who never went back into the workforce after picking up an addiction because of fear, boredom, or a mental health crisis. A personal health issue after getting the jab or losing your job. And the economic aftershocks of the last round of Covid tyranny are still hitting everyone hard with no end in sight. We the people must DEMAND our elected officials never allow this to happen again. ![]() Joe Biden is a lame duck. The American people overwhelmingly feel the sting of an economy in flames . . . they now know the war in Ukraine is a complete disaster that is killing hundreds of thousands . . . and they’re tired of the suffering his administration has wreaked upon all of us. This is a desperate play. But don’t count on Congress to do anything about it . . . unless you and I force the issue. They need to feel our outrage and be buried in an avalanche of letters DEMANDING they take action and shut down Biden’s unconstitutional lockdowns for good. Take a moment to contact your U.S. Representative and Senators right now! Patriot, the American people have awoken to the cynical truth about the government’s Covid policies. We need your support today so we can ramp up our efforts to shut this nonsense down once and for all and move on with our lives as free people. If you can make a most generous contribution of $500, $250, or $100, or even if you can only chip $50 or $25 today, please do so – every bit makes a difference. In addition to our outright refusal to comply with any new mandates, the most important thing you and I can do is hold politicians accountable for depriving the American people of our essential liberties. Your support today will help guide us in what we can do to put this nonsense to an end, once and for all. We can only put our resources into so many projects and battles to make a difference, but this one matters. Patriot, your contribution of $100, $200, $500, or what you can afford will allow us to expand our reach to expose more of these derelict representatives. Please support our efforts today! If $50 or $25 is in your budget today, it will help us reach our goal. Over the years, Campaign for Liberty has punched back above our weight against statist lawmakers, going after their bad records on gun rights, the government take-over of health care (ObamaCare), votes to raise taxes, and much more. Today, we’re fighting the World Health Organization pandemic treaty and another round of Covid-based domestic tyranny. . . and that’s on top of other battles to defeat the Central Bank Digital Currency, the illegal spying on Americans, and much more. We cannot do it without your support. If you can make a most generous contribution of $500, $250, or $100, or even if you can only chip $50 or $25 to help today, please do so – every bit makes a difference. Your actions can have an impact . . . or inactivity can mean more of the same-old, same-old. Please be sure to sign your petition to Congress to REFUSE to fund Biden’s Covid tyranny and BLOCK any related emergency he declares. And after you sign, please make a generous contribution to keep us in this fight. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director P.S. The lies from Biden, Fauci, the FDA, and the CDC are unraveling, and the American people are waking up. But that’s not stopping the Biden regime from moving behind the scenes to bring Covid tyranny back. Please be sure to sign your petition to Congress to REFUSE to fund Biden’s Covid tyranny and BLOCK any related emergency he declares. And after you sign, please make a generous contribution to keep us in this fight. Your generous donation of $500, $250, or $100 is needed now more than ever to fight back. If $50 or $25 is in your means today, please know it makes a difference in our efforts. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
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