Hi, We finally have a chance to reverse the Trump administration’s disastrous decision to gut net neutrality. President Biden promised to restore net neutrality, but telecom lobbyists and Republicans like Ted Cruz have blocked this by preventing the confirmation of a fully-staffed Federal Communications Commission (FCC).1 Next month, the Senate will likely vote on the confirmation of Anna Gomez to the FCC. Gomez is a telecommunications lawyer with 25 years experience, and her confirmation would create the functional FCC we need to restore net neutrality. The Senate must stand up to corporate special interests and quickly vote “Yes” on Anna Gomez.2 Sign the petition: Fix the FCC and restore net neutrality! Demand Progress has been a longtime champion of net neutrality, the idea that internet service providers like Verizon and AT&T should treat all content flowing through their cables equally. That means that providers can’t create “fast lanes,” censor content, throttle traffic, or block access to their competitor's products.3 In 2015, the Obama FCC enshrined net neutrality rules with the Open Internet Order. Then in 2017, Trump’s FCC Chair, Ajit Pai, repealed the regulations, putting corporate internet providers back in control of what we can and can’t access online.3 At first, it looked like the Biden administration would be able to quickly undo the damage done by the Trump FCC. But the telecom companies and their allies like Ted Cruz ran a vicious smear campaign that torpedoed Biden’s first FCC nominee. We can still save net neutrality, but we need the Senate to confirm Anna Gomez as the fifth and final FCC commissioner ASAP. Add your name: The Senate must quickly confirm Anna Gomez so the FCC can do its job! Thanks for taking action, Sources:
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