Dear Friend,
Congress is about to make history. We want you, and the people you care about, to be part of it. That’s why we’re asking you to forward this petition to your family and friends right now.
Congress just scheduled the floor vote on the NO BAN Act for the week of March 9th. This is the first time that Congress will specifically vote to protect the rights of American Muslims. Ever.

But legislation doesn’t get passed without people speaking up. You’re getting this note because we know that you care. Chances are, you’ve already called on your members of Congress to support this bill in the past. Thank you.
Now, we need you to bring your friends, relatives, loved ones, neighbors and colleagues along. Will you forward this petition to 3 people right now?
Ask them to tell Congress to pass the NO BAN Act and guarantee immigrants equal treatment under the law.
Millions of American families are counting on us to get this bill passed. You and our other supporters have already done so much to fight this cruel ban. Again, thank you for getting us this far.
Let’s finish strong.
Erik Martínez Resly
Digital Advocacy Officer
Muslim Advocates