When emergencies strike, every minute matters. Right now, people all over the world are grappling with forces they cannot control, from climate disasters to eruption of violent conflict.
The Mercy Corps Global Emergency Response Fund helps us mobilize quickly and effectively in these critical moments.
Your gift today supports communities facing large-scale emergencies which dominate the news cycle — like the war in Ukraine — along with ongoing complex crises that are less prominent in the media but equally urgent — like continued conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Your support matters — when you make your first gift to our Global Emergency Response Fund today, it will provide relief in places where it is needed urgently. Can we count on you to make a donation today to help us meet our $300,000 goal?
At a camp for displaced people in DRC, Mercy Corps conducts an assessment to better understand and support families who have fled from armed attacks.
Mercy Corps has been working in DRC to help communities experiencing acute hunger, lack of access to clean water, limited economic opportunity, and threats to safety. We’ve reached more than 3.7 million people across the country with humanitarian assistance.
Conflict, earthquakes, droughts, floods — the crises the world faces are devastating. But our shared responses to these crises also underscore the strength of human spirit, the communities affected, and the humanitarians who are dedicated to creating a better world.
In DRC, local residents of a camp for displaced people help fishermen pull in nets from Lake Albert to earn income to support their families.
I hope this strength inspires you to take small actions that make a difference — like chipping in today to help fuel our humanitarian response in moments of crisis.
With your support, our teams around the world, and the communities we serve, we can build a bolder, brighter future where everyone can thrive.
Thank you,
Tjada D’Oyen McKenna,
Mercy Corps Chief Executive Officer