Dear John,

Our website is a rich resource of articles, opinion pieces, culture commentary, and educational webinars. Use them to launch a discussion in your club or send an article to a new or prospective member to spark discussion over coffee. A complete list of articles on the website is available here, but the following are some recent offerings. 

The latest discussion question, on class struggle, racial justice, and the road to socialism, has been offered in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday and to celebrate Black History Month. New entries include Norman Markowitz’s “The Backlash against the 1619 Project” (part 2) and a comrade’s spirited call for an anti-capitalist Black liberation strategy.

Several of the Marxist Classes webinars have been published: African American Leaders in the CPUSA, Lucy Parsons, The Marxist Theory of the State, and Women on Socialism. You can access all our webinars here.

Enough! CP Statement on 2020 Elections is a good departure point for club discussion.

Finally, don’t miss the March 8 webinar on Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Dr. Mary Ann Trasciatti, author of the foreword to a new edition of Flynn’s My Life As a Political Prisoner, will discuss the life of this powerful organizer. Register here.

In solidarity,

Website Collective

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