Dear John,

You've been one of our most dedicated and reliable partners -- and I'm so thankful for your commitment to our critical mission...

...but I noticed you have NOT yet Renewed Your Support for 2020.

Our highly-effective minority voter outreach radio ads have been airing in key minority markets in crucial swing states since August -- and we just launched new ads in Michigan supporting veteran John James for U.S. Senate.

John, it's absolutely crucial we stay ON THE AIR all the way up through Election Day...

...that's why I'm hoping and praying you'll RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 with a ONE-TIME or a MONTHLY donation of $20.20 today!

With Michael Bloomberg dumping $2 BILLION into defeating President Trump this election, we really need you now more than ever, John!

This Friday is the DEADLINE, so I hope to see your response soon.

      For America,

          - John

P.S. My original message to you with more details is below...

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee


And so it begins...

We've officially entered the Primary season with Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada behind us -- and it's still anyone's guess who the eventual Democratic nominee will be...

...but you and I don't have to wait to know that the nominee will be a tax-and-spend liberal who wants to return our country back to the Obama days... or worse!

Liberal Billionaire Mike Bloomberg Has Pledged $2 Billion to Defeat Trump

And if that's not bad enough -- now we have a liberal, gun-grabbing, "nanny"-state billionaire to contend with because...

Michael Bloomberg has Committed to Spend $2 BILLION to Defeat President Trump this Election!

Bloomberg's leaked strategy is to flood the states that Trump won by slim margins in 2016 including Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania...

...which all states where you and I helped Trump win by convincing minorities to vote for the President in unprecedented numbers. In fact...

Our minority voter outreach campaign (inspired by Dr. Carson's candidacy) turned out to be CRUCIAL in defeating Hillary Clinton and electing Donald Trump as President

Trump Won Lower Percentage of White Vote than Romney, but Higher Percentage of Black and Hispanic Vote

John, you've been one of our most dedicated and reliable partners -- and I truly believe that without your help Donald Trump would not have won.

You should be proud that you played such a vital role in making President Trump's victory possible because without you...

...we'd be suffocating under Hillary Clinton's iron-fisted regime, the Supreme Court would've shifted far-Left for decades to come, and our beloved nation would've likely never recovered.

The Democrat Plan for America

It's in that same spirit of saving America from radical leftists that I'm writing to you today, John.  You see...

Our Mission to Reach Out to Minority Voters Didn't End with the Election of Donald Trump

In fact, the Left's horrific slide into radical socialism, unveiled hatred for America, scorched-Earth tactics, and vile assault of President Trump has added a new sense of urgency and higher stakes to our mission.

That's why we've continued our highly-successful minority outreach and radio advertising campaign to expose the Left's race-baiting lies and convince minorities to abandon the Democratic Party forever...

...a campaign that was inspired by Dr. Ben Carson's presidential and our historic effort to draft him to "Run Ben Run"!

began with the first successful Presidential draft effort since Barry Gold

Every election, Democrats promise minority voters the moon and the stars in return for their votes.  Then, once the election is over, they abandon their promises and turn their backs on the minority voters who secured their victory.

And if that doesn't work, Democrats just slander Republicans as racists to SCARE minorities into voting for liberals who DO NOT share their values.

Democrats Slander Republicans as Racists to Scare Minority Voters

But we're fed up with the Democrats' never-ending lies, ruthless scare-tactics, and race-baiting slander of conservatives...

...and we're fighting back by reaching out to minority voters with the truth that the lying Democrats offer little more than bribes, broken promises, and failed policies that lead to nothing but more of the same: disappointment, lousy schools, poverty, victimization, and anger.

John, I'm praying you'll RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 to help win this critical fight, but first let me explain just what is at stake.

We made history together with our RunBenRun campaign

As you know, hundreds of thousands of patriotic Americans like you made history when we convinced Dr. Ben Carson to run for President in 2016.

Together, we became the first successful Presidential draft effort since Barry Goldwater in 1964...

...and we succeeded beyond anyone's wildest expectations in our ability to recruit minority voters to the Republican Party.

Since 2013, we have invested millions of dollars on radio, television and print advertisements, billboards, books and issue guides to minority voters exposing the race-baiting lies liberals have been spoon-feeding them about Republicans and our values for decades...

And the results have been incredible.

Our campaign proven, time and time again, that radio outreach program to Blacks, Asians, Latinos/Hispanics and Women is NOT a "waste of time" as the talking heads and overpaid political consultants have been claiming for years.

In fact, recent polling puts Trump's approval ratings at an astonishing 35 percent with Black Voters, 38 percent with Hispanics and 28 percent with Asians.

Even CNN Had to Admit that Trump is Polling Well With Black Voters

If President Trump ends up with even HALF of these numbers, then there's NO WAY the Democrats can win this election.

But we only have eight short months to continue chipping away at the Democrats base enough to secure a second term for President Trump.

That's why I'm counting on you to RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 to keep our highly-successful minority outreach campaign RUNNING STRONG up through Election Day!

I don't need to tell you that Stars and Stripes Forever PAC can't stand up to Bloomberg's $2 BILLION, but we don't have to because...

...our cost-effective and highly-targeted strategy (which provided Trump the margin of victory in crucial swing states in 2016) WILL work again for his re-election.

Thanks to the support of thousands of patriotic Americans like you, John, our radio ads have been airing across the country since August -- blasting out the TRUTH to carefully selected and key minority markets in crucial swing states and important Congressional races.

We're ON THE AIR right now in Alabama, California, Iowa, Maine, New Mexico, and Minnesota...

...and we just launched in Michigan, a critical swing state where Trump-endorsed, black conservative, businessman, and veteran John James has a REAL SHOT at taking back a U.S. Senate seat from the Democrats.

"He's SPECTACULAR. Rarely have I seen a candidate with such great potential. West Point graduate, successful businessman, and an African American leader... He will be a star."

- President Trump on John James

Vice President Pence, Senate candidate John James, and Dr. Ben Carson visiting Carson's childhood home in Detroit.
Dr. Ben Carson, Vice President Pence, and U.S. Senate candidate John James visiting Dr. Carson's childhood home in Detroit.

But we MUST do more if we're going to fight back against Bloomberg's BILLIONS and push President Trump to reelection victory.

Not only do we need the $16,280/month to keep our current radio ads ON THE AIR...

...but we REALLY need to DOUBLE DOWN on the number of spots we're running and expand into other crucial swing states and races across the country.

John, you've been one of our most dedicated and reliable partners -- and I pray you'll continue your support all the way up through Election Day.

We really need you, John, now more than ever!

So please RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 with a monthly donation of $20.20 through Election Day (your monthly donation will automatically end on Nov 3)...

...or RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 with an emergency, one-time donation of $20.20 today.

I pray I will hear back from you shortly.

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. I hope that you will give my request thoughtful consideration, John.  We truly need you on our team, now more than ever!

Our country can't afford the price we'll pay if Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren defeats President Trump!  We NEED four more years of America First policies that are Making America Great Again.

So please RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 with a monthly donation of $20.20 through Election Day (your monthly donation will automatically end on Nov 3)...

...or RENEW YOUR SUPPORT FOR 2020 with an emergency, one-time donation of $20.20 today.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and of course, your support.



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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC, PO Box 1351, 22116, Merrifield, United States
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