Not much of a vaccine, is it? How much more proof does anyone need? And Biden and his Democrat despots want to zap you again with the poison.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

ONS: 95% of Covid Deaths were Vaccinated As Biden Calls For New Nationwide Covid Shot Program
Not much of a vaccine, is it? How much more proof does anyone need? And Biden and his Democrat despots want to zap you again with the poison.


New ‘Covid’ Variant More Contagious for the Vaccinated, So Biden Regime Calls For ...

Kept Husband and Private-Jet Connoisseur John Kerry Declares War on ‘Climate Change Deniers’: A ‘Dangerous Threat to Humanity’
Actually, useless, kept men who marry widowed mindless cows (made rich by a Republican husband) are a threat to humanity.

Multimillionaire climate grifter, John Kerry, gets absolutely destroyed by Rep. Scott Perry for peddling the #ClimateScam, ...

Weaponized Obama-Appointed Judge Sets Trump’s Trial Date One Day Before SUPER TUESDAY
The timing is so deliberate that the Democrat conspirators are literally spitting in our face. The despots had three years to assemble over a million documents in this soviet-style persecution of the 2024 frontrunner. He would need that many years ...

Chicago Teacher Arrested For Child Porn after He was Found with Minor Boy at Miami Airport
I don't how they vet teachers these days, but pedophiles who seek teaching positions to rape children should get extra jail time; instead, a judge ruled that this monster may leave his building five or six times a day to walk his dog, but has to ...

Democrat DA Locks Up Priest On Trump Charges
A priest. Godless nazis.

Related: Director of Black Voices for Trump JAILED in Atlanta WITHOUT Bond as Black Community Rallies Round Trump

Democrats know they went too far. How the hell you lock priest up on RICO charges for Trump? ...

NIH Mask Study: Covid Masks Expose Wearers to Dangerous Levels of Toxic Compounds Linked to Seizures and Cancer
“The study found that the chemicals released by these masks had eight times the recommended safety limit of toxic volatile organic compounds (TVOCs).

Masks are safe and effective, they said.

Wear your mask 24/7, they said.

Democrats ...

Los Angeles Public Schools Partners With Trans-Radicals Who Push Sex-Change Surgery On Children
Government schools have abandoned education. What they are doing now is unimaginable ….. to our children. Save your children. Get your kids out of public schools.

Audio of Dr. Johanna Olson Kennedy stating puberty blockers are as reversible ...

Marxist Teacher Who Called for Violent Cultural Revolution Wins Seat on State Legislature
When you have a public school system hijacked by leftists, a press in league with the left, and and an entertainment industry propagandizing all its product, the rise of this poison is inevitable. Pair all that with a do-nothing Republican party ...

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