Today's most important news & opinion from Common Dreams
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[link removed]"This amendment is crucial as taxpayers and other citizens remain concerned-and inadequately informed-about the cost to U.S. taxpayers of the wide range of U.S. military activities abroad." <[link removed]'s New Exception to Abortion Ban Is Meant to 'Deceive Voters' <[link removed]"The exceptions in the bill are so narrow, and the penalties for violating the Texas ban are so high, that invariably," said one legal expert, "a lot of doctors are going to continue not to offer abortion in those situations because they don't want to get in trouble." <[link removed]"President Biden says he is going to use every tool he can to cancel student debt, but there is still much more he can do," said a co-founder of the Debt Collective. "With this new tool, we are calling his bluff." <[link removed]'s GOP House Speaker <[link removed]"It is clear that the house speaker, Cameron Sexton, is determined to continue leading our state down the path to failure, humiliation, and authoritarianism." <[link removed]'She Speaks' Virtual Assembly Marking March on Washington's 60th Anniversary <[link removed]"Extremist lawmakers are using state capitols to subvert our democracy and erode voting rights, denying living wages, and suppressing access to healthcare, all while concentrating this rich nation's wealth," said Hanna Broome of AME Zion Church. <[link removed]'s Rights, Potentially Bolstering Youth-Led Lawsuits <[link removed]"States should take positive measures to ensure that children are protected from foreseeable premature or unnatural death and threats to their lives," reads the updated document <[link removed]'More Palestinian Children Will Be Killed' Unless US Pressures Israel, Warns Human Rights Watch <[link removed]"grave abuses" against Palestinians. <[link removed]'s Federal Election Interference Trial Set for March 2024 <[link removed]'Sixty Years Since the March on Washington and We Are Still Demanding Jobs and Freedom' <[link removed]'The Agenda America Needs' <[link removed]' rights, and environmental justice. <[link removed]