Notes from the Executive Director
Dear AHS Friends and Supporters,
It seems just a few days ago that summer was starting. With fall just around the corner, I am pleased to share exciting news about AHS' upcoming 20th anniversary events in this newsletter. Please note the new date of Monday, November 20th for the anniversary celebrations and mark your calendars. I look forward to seeing all of you!
In the midst of the sharing news about AHS' fall plans, I would be sorely remiss if I did not acknowledge the passing of Joe Wholey. Joe, and his wife Midge (who passed away this past March), were instrumental in the founding of Alliance for Housings Solutions and Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH). Their vision and advocacy for affordable housing in Arlington—which was rooted in their strong faith and belief in equity, justice, and service—is a mission we at AHS will continue to carry forward. You can read more about Joe's impact and legacy in this newsletter.
As always, thank you for all you do to further the impact of our work and keeping alive the vision and mission of leaders like Joe and Midge Wholey.
With Gratitude,

Barcroft Apartments Latest Updates
Activity has been moving forward regarding the renovation of Barcroft Apartments. Renovation of 93 units is set to begin shortly with the issuance of a use permit. Tenant meetings will start in the fall.
AHS and other housing advocates continue to advocate for at least 250 of the 1,334 units to be available at 30% AMI rent levels for the full 99 years of the county's Affordable Housing Plan.
Jair Lynch submitted a Master Financing and Development Plan (MFDP) to the County Manager on October 29, 2022, as required by the 2021 Arlington County Loan Agreement.
The MFDP describes how Barcroft Apartments will be renovated and/or developed in the long term and includes options to build more affordable housing, deepen existing affordability at the property, and pursue other community goals. The final plan will be due this December.
Stay tuned to AHS to learn about advocacy opportunities this fall and find out more information on Barcroft Apartments here.
Plan Langston Boulevard Progress
The final draft of Plan Langston Boulevard is anticipated in September, and should reflect public feedback and survey results. This fall, AHS and our partners will continue to seek a plan that achieves the 2,500 CAFs goal, maximum zoning flexibility for affordable units, and a commitment to an immediate review of the East Falls Church and Cherrydale area plans to bring them into alignment with the county's stated affordable housing goals for the Langston Blvd corridor.
AHS recognizes the once in a generation opportunity to include housing of various types, sizes and price points and to help preserve and cultivate diversity on this last of Arlington’s major corridors to be re-imagined.
Expanded Housing Options
Permits Being Approved
The county continues to keep a brisk pace in reviewing applications for Expanded Housing Option (Missing Middle Housing) permits.
As of August 25, the county has approved five permits, with nearly four times that number awaiting review. You can access the permit tracker here.
Joe Wholey
Visionary Leader & Founder
1935 - 2023
Joe and Midge Wholey photo courtesy of APAH
Joe Wholey, a visionary leader and founder of both Alliance for Housing Solutions (AHS) and Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH), passed away on Thursday, August 24th. He transformed affordable housing in Arlington and throughout the metropolitan area.
As an Arlington County Board member from 1970 to 1978, Joe spearheaded the Long-Range County Improvement Plan. He also helped develop the comprehensive plan for the Rosslyn-Ballston corridor, which harnessed the orange line metro stops in Arlington by planning development around each stop.
In 1989, Joe, along with his wife Midge and three other couples, founded APAH. They purchased one 8-unit building in the Westover neighborhood and named it Fisher House. Today, APAH boasts over 2,300 committed affordable units in its 20-community portfolio.
In 2003, Joe joined a group that included Ellen and Bill Bozman and Jack Cornman to found AHS. Driven by the need to educate the public about how housing affordability is essential to a functioning community, this small group of neighbors was the foundation of AHS becoming the most trusted voice in Arlington for providing policy input, advocacy, and research to support affordable housing efforts.
Joe was passionate about social justice, community engagement, and environmental sustainability. He inspired many people with his generosity, wisdom, and optimism. He passed away leaving behind a legacy of service and compassion.
DHS and APAH Selected for Supported Housing Institute of Virginia
The Institute provides an exciting opportunity for supportive service providers, housing developers, and property/asset managers in the Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads regions to receive 10 days of practical training and individualized technical assistance on developing supportive housing.
Arlington Adding 5,000 Households to Housing Choice Voucher Program
After last opening the Housing Choice Voucher program in 2012, Arlington is poised to add 5,000 households to the program's waiting list.
On August 24, the county announced that the waiting list was reopening to give people a chance to apply for the federally funded rental assistance program for the first time in over a decade. Once the application period closes, a lottery will be conducted to select 5,000 applicants to go on the HCV program waiting list. As vouchers become available, they will be awarded to qualifying households on the waiting list, who can then secure housing using the vouchers.
Interested families and individuals will be able to apply on any internet-enabled device by going to starting at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 13, 2023, through 11:59 p.m., Saturday, September 23, 2023. Applications must be submitted using the online AHCVP MyHousingBenefits application portal which can be accessed here.
A preference will be given to:
- Applicants who live or work in Arlington County
- Unhoused or houseless individuals
- Victims of domestic violence
- People with disabilities that would qualify under the Olmstead Act
- Disabled households that qualify for Permanent Supportive Housing
Meet the AHS Board: David Sisson
 Our August AHS Meet the Board spotlight is on David Sisson, who recently joined the AHS board. David is passionate about creating walkable communities accessible to all.
What drove your interest in AHS?
My interest in AHS was piqued during the Missing Middle community engagement meetings, which were often contentious. I found that AHS’ advocacy work was driving real change that was going to have real impact in the community. In particular, the emphasis on livable communities for all Arlingtonians drove my interest to join the organization.
The DMV has a unique asset in the Metro system that creates opportunities for numerous walkable, diverse, and inclusive communities at transit hubs. I want to contribute to the transformation of Northern Virginia from a car-centric suburban metropolis into an area with walkable communities where all residents can benefit from affordable housing and green space regardless of income.
What are your AHS goals for 2023?
My two main goals are to encourage Arlington County to adopt policies that would maximize the amount of affordable housing in the Plan Langston Boulevard, which outlines guiding principles to improve and develop the neighborhoods in that corridor and to advocate for policies that create equitable communities for Arlingtonians.
Plan Langston Boulevard could be a model for other transit corridor developments in the region. Policies like reducing abundant parking spaces, densifying housing, and increasing the number of walkable businesses would generate significant economic and community development, making the area a more desirable and livable community. Coupling development with significant affordable housing stock would create communities where all Arlingtonians could have access to affordable, safe, and decent housing.
Education on policy will help Arlingtonians have informed discussions about housing policies that matter to their communities. I want to promote the policies that AHS supports through community outreach at engagement events. By being active in the community and respectfully discussing relevant issues, I would like to contribute to healthy community involvement by modelling civil debate at a time when our nation needs respect in political discourse. Through respectful discussions on new ideas and fresh perspectives, all Arlingtonians can participate in the process of developing livable, desirable communities.
AHS 20th Anniversary
Events Logo Reveal!
AHS is celebrating 20 years of being Arlington's most trusted voice for affordable housing policy. In addition to our 20th anniversary logo which debuted in July's newsletter, we are now releasing the specially commissioned logos for this year's 20th Anniversary Celebration including the Leckey Forum and Ellen M. Bozman Affordable Housing Award. We are excited for you to join us on Monday, November 20th! More details coming soon.
AHS is looking for committed and dedicated board members who want to lead the way in creating an Arlington for Everyone. Let us know if you have the time and interest in helping AHS advocate for affordable housing by completing the Volunteer Board Member Interest Form on our website, which you can access here!
Learn and Share in Policy Discussions
Become a member of the Alliance for Housing Solutions community on the platform to learn, share ideas, and be part of policy discussions. We currently offer the following groups:
This coalition of housing and service providers and advocates meets online monthly to share information, plan strategies, and advocate on a range of housing issues in Arlington. Join here
Join a group of people committed to increasing the diversity of options and price points of housing in Arlington. Join here
In this group, homeowners, architects, and realtors ask questions, share best practices, and provide support for those interested in developing accessory dwellings. Join here
Increasing the supply of affordable housing through education, policy, advocacy, and innovation.