Centuries Old Conspiracy Theories that Fuel Fascism Today
Episode 168 uploaded August 27: Sam Goldman talks with Mike Rothschild, author of the forthcoming book Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories. Plus: commentary on the fascist murders that took place this month from
coast to coast, the GOP debate, Trump’s arraignment in the Georgia case
& more.

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Mike Rothschild:
The most durable conspiracy theories really have both a cutting edge feel and a sort of "they've been here forever" kind of feel...The foundations of Trump's base are conspiracy theories, scapegoating, blaming other people for things that have happened to them... Conspiracy believers want to think that they are being oppressed, that there is someone going after them, there's someone keeping them down...So this conspiracy movement is taking control of the Republican Party. It's taking control of conservatism. It really behooves us to understand what it is about this that repels most people but attracts a few people.
Sam Goldman:
It’s true that many disasters and atrocities that conspiracy theorists obsess over are the result of much more chaos, failure, and contingency than they are of complicated evil conspiracies. But we also should recognize a third factor which is the dynamics of the capitalist-imperialist system which often compels people and resources towards convergent and yes, often nefarious aims. In this moment, more than ever, it’s vital for people to learn the tools of critical
thinking and scientific analysis, not to look for simple answers that confirm our petty grievances, but to understand how our society is structured, how history has brought us to this moment, whether it has to be that way, and if we could really change things beyond winning some argument on twitter.
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