Dear John,
I am truly excited about the future of the Truth & Liberty Coalition! The Lord is opening doors in a way that’s nothing short of miraculous, and I’m walking through them. I am writing to you today to share our vision and ask for your help getting there.
We incorporated Truth & Liberty Coalition eighteen months ago to give added protection to me and the ministry as I take a stronger stand against the evil that is trying to take over our nation. To date, our main focus has been our Truth & Liberty website and the weekly live stream.
Tens of thousands tune in each Monday to our 6 p.m. MT live stream where we interview conservative leaders on current topics. We’ve hosted President Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow, Pastor John Hagee, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Jerry Boykin, Tony Perkins, Abby Johnson, former U.S. Rep. Bob McEwen, U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn, Lance Wallnau, David Barton, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Allen West, Bill Federer, and a host of other very influential leaders.
The Truth & Liberty website provides dozens of free resources and critical information from a biblical worldview to equip believers and churches throughout this nation to make a difference! It truly serves as a clearinghouse that links to many other ministries that provide a variety of services that equip anyone to be informed and make a difference.
Right here in Colorado, we held a rally last year in which nearly 2,000 people and over a dozen conservative grassroots organizations participated. Since then, we have been coordinating strategies with over twenty different groups to impact this state for Christ! We believe God is leading us to provide the same kind of leadership across this nation at both the state and federal level.
What I didn’t see coming was the way these other organizations would look to us for direction. As we have been meeting together to strategize how to stem the flow of the ungodliness that is being crammed down our throats, they have all asked us to take a leadership role. One of the biggest weaknesses with Christians is that all these organizations are fighting their battles independently. We need to cooperate.
It seems Truth & Liberty is ideally suited to that purpose, and we’ve been asked to help coordinate their efforts. We’ve even got the potential for a national organization to come under our leadership. Truth & Liberty is growing at a fast pace.
In order to accommodate this, we now have five employees working in Truth & Liberty. Richard Harris is our executive director; he has Ryan Henley and Robin Roth helping him with the bulk of the work. Pastor Mark Cowart of Church for All Nations has joined our leadership team, and we are working with Debbie Chaves (Colorado Family Action) to implement a strategy for taking back the state of Colorado. It’s a strategic plan that I believe will work.
I believe God has called the Truth & Liberty Coalition to make a huge difference in this nation. We are speaking up and leading the way! In addition to teaching and speaking out on the issues of our day with biblical truth, we are helping to multiply the effectiveness of other Christian ministries that are fighting to make a difference. The Lord has uniquely positioned Truth & Liberty to fill a key role in bringing those organizations together, facilitating coordinated strategies and serving as a clearinghouse of useful tools and information.
We need your help to fulfill what God is calling us to do. I’ve decided to open up Truth & Liberty to memberships that will help us with our monthly expenses, which have grown to over $50,000 per month. We need partners to take us to the next level. That’s why I’d like to invite you to become a Truth & Liberty Coalition member today.
I think it is important that we do more than just talk about what’s happening in our culture. It has always been my desire that Truth & Liberty give people practical opportunities where they can actually get involved to make a difference. I feel like our new membership program is exactly such an opportunity.
You can become a Truth & Liberty member today by going to our website and signing up to make an automatic, recurring donation from your bank account or credit card of at least $5 per month. Your monthly commitment will enable us to take Truth & Liberty to another level of influence and effectiveness! As a 501(c)(4), your gift to Truth & Liberty isn’t tax-deductible, but God recognizes it even if the government doesn’t. You will be rewarded.
All our new members will receive a special gift: a hardback copy of The New England Primer. This little book was the most widely used textbook in America’s schools during our founding era. It taught children how to read using the Bible! A quick look at this treasure should convince even skeptics that America has a deep Christian heritage I’m excited to be able to send this to all our new Truth & Liberty Coalition members.
I am very grateful for your support and participation in the Truth & Liberty Coalition. I hope you can become a Coalition member today. But, even if you can’t, I hope you will take advantage of all the amazing free information on our website, including the 24/7 live newsfeed. And, if you need someone to agree with you in prayer, please do not hesitate to contact my ministry at 719-635-1111.
God bless you!
Andrew Wommack

P.S. Please don’t close this email thinking you’ll take action later. If the Lord is moving on your heart to help me take the Truth & Liberty Coalition to another level of influence and effectiveness, the time to act is now! Become a Truth & Liberty member today.