John --
Have you thought about running
for local office this November? The Pennsylvania Forward
Party is committed to supporting the vibrancy of democracy by filling
vacant seats around the state. By responding to this email
with your county and a brief description of yourself (name,
positions you are interested in), we will research vacant
seats within your area and support you through a
write-in campaign.
What is a write-in campaign? Simply put,
a write-in campaign is the process of running for office
without officially registering as a candidate on the
ballot. Since your name will not be shown in the list of
candidates, other voters will manually write your name under the
position to vote for you. This approach works best with local
elections, where seats are often left empty, or without any running
Whether you are currently registered as a
Forwardist, Democrat, Republican, or Independent, this campaign can
work for you. Write-in candidates can be affiliated with any party, as
your affiliation isn't taken into account when you're elected through
write-in votes.
What does the candidacy process
look like?
If you are interested in running for a
vacant seat near you, please get in touch with After you pass a vetting process and
we identify a position in your region, we will guide you through the
process of getting your name out into your local community and
securing an elected seat. For inquiries regarding a specific seat, or
the process of affiliating with Forward, contact us through email
(, or
visit our website.
We look Forward to hearing back from you,
Pennsylvania Forward Party