Hi John
As access to abortion pills is under attack across the country, it is important to be vigilant about sharing information about self-managed abortion with pills. We know that we can be our own abortion providers safely, effectively, and without shame. Learn more about understanding and advocating for self-managed abortion with pills here.

Upcoming Actions:
1. Do you want to host a virtual or in-person self-managed abortion with pills information sharing session with Reproaction? Submit a request here.
2. Located in Maryland? The Baltimore Abortion Fund offers free emergency contraception kits here.
3. Located in Pittsburg? Apply for the RJ IGNITE organizing cohort here.
4. The New River Abortion Access Fund is seeking new volunteers.
Media Spotlights:
1. ‘Pro-Life’ Propaganda Wants to Fool You About Abortion Pills: Erin Matson
2. Providers warn abortion may not always be legal in Pa.: Sarah Boden
3. U.S. Clinicians Can Now Mail Abortion Pills to States Banning Abortion, Thanks to Shield Laws in Five States: Ms. Magazine, Carrie N. Baker
1. Do I need to see a doctor after a self-managed abortion with pills?
2. Abortion Language for Media Fact Sheet
3. FAQs About Self-Managed Abortion
There’s more where that came from, check out our campaign page at www.reproaction.org/sma
Why do we love self-managed abortion with pills?
1. "Self-managed abortion is essential in this country. It squarely puts the power back into your own hands to decide what is right for you. SMA is paramount to one's autonomy of choice and offers a pathway to self-determination apart from accessing healthcare facilities, which are increasingly harder to access. SMA is a human right and should be protected at all costs!" – Zoe Dorau, 27, Washington DC.
2. “Self-managed abortion is essential because I can take control over my own body” – Megan, 32, Virginia
Do you want to share why you love Self-Managed Abortion? Submit your quote here.
And remember:

See you next month!
In Solidarity,
Laila Salaam
Organizer, Reproaction
P.S. Want to protect access to self-managed abortion with pills? Give today.