Can you rally with us at the Supreme Court next Wednesday morning? If you sign up here, you'll receive a $50 gift card from Advocates for Youth to offset expenses for attending. Here's why we need you there:
On March 4, the Supreme Court will hear a case (June v. Medical Services) regarding medically unnecessary abortion restrictions in Louisiana. This is the first time they've heard an abortion case since anti-abortion Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch have been on the court, and we believe abortion access is seriously at risk. We need to show everyone - from activists and politicians attending the rally, to the Supreme Court Justices themselves - that young folks WILL show up for abortion access.
The rally outside the Supreme Court will take place from 8:30am-11:30am on Wednesday, March 4th. We'll have blue hats and signs for you. but you need to RSVP here so we can keep you updated (and cover your expenses for travel, etc.)
In Solidarity,
Marandah Field-Elliot
State Campaign Manager for Abortion Access
Advocates for Youth and our Abortion Out Loud campaign