Dear Friend,
Apologies for the last minute email but we thought you needed to
know what is happening down in Wellington today. Jordan recently
emailed you to let you know that Kieran McAnulty was attempting to
pass legislation to lower the voting age from 18 to 16 years old for
local elections.
The Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls)
Legislation Bill was given only a few seconds of time for the title to
be read out in Parliament and tabled.
The Bill establishes a new category of electors, named ‘youth
electors’, and makes way for 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds to be
registered on a youth electoral roll to vote in council elections.
But where is the
media's coverage of this?
At a minimum, such
an important constitutional issue should be the subject of a
referendum. The bad news is the Bill looks set to pass its first
reading tomorrow.
Given the number of responses we received following our recent
email on this subject, we know our supporters we be equally concerned
about this.

If we do not make New Zealanders aware of what the
Government is, yet again, trying to slip under the radar, this Bill
will pass through remaining stages after the next election.
Concerningly, post-election hype will likely mean that attention will
shift away from this issue, making it easier for its advocates to
quietly usher these changes through without fanfare nor
As proud promoters
of democratic accountability, our position is not whether the lowering
of the voting age is right or wrong, but rather that it represents
such a significant change to our long-held democratic framework that
it should be decided by the people – not politicians. We know
our members hold very strong views on this and, at the very least,
should be able to participate in a full and frank debate on the matter
followed by a referendum. The significance of such a change cannot be
Enter your humble Taxpayers’ Union.
Today we placed a full-page advertisement in the Wellington Post
bringing the matter of Mr McAnulty's attempt to pass legislation to
‘lower the voting age’ to the wider public’s attention.

Whether you agree
with Mr McAnulty or not, we say that the voting age is one of the most
fundamental decisions in a democratic society. Any changes should be
decided through a referendum not sneaked through unnoticed or under
Without a written constitution there is little New Zealanders can
do except to push back on this kind of slippery constitutional change
by ensuring that this type of underhand activity is called out. That’s
why we are sending you this email to ask for your support again for a
quick response advertising campaign.
need to blow the whistle on what the Government is
To coincide with
the First Reading of the Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local
Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill, we have managed to secure a
last-minute deal for a nationwide advert in the New Zealand Herald
we need your help to make it happen.
We believe that the New Zealand public will be hopping mad when
they find out what Labour is trying to do now. Our polling indicates
that New Zealanders overwhelmingly want to retain the status quo, that
is, leave the voting age alone. It is not as if the country has a
shortage of pressing matters that need urgent attention! Even
Labour’s own voter base hates the idea of reducing the voting age –
that's why we need to spread the word.
Labour knows the public would never support this, that’s why they
are trying to sneak this through by stealth. But
with the media just not covering this story, the only way to ensure
that these important decisions are left with the people and
not self-interested politicians, is to ask for you to support
this campaign.
Thank you for your support.
Purves Campaigns Manager New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.