[[link removed]]URGENT ACTION NEEDED: The Rusty-Patched Bumblebee population has plummeted 90%
in the last few decades! We need 1,249 more signatures to help save pollinators: Sign now! >>
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You read that right, Friend. Our pollinators are facing a
“five-alarm fire.” And toxic neonicotinoid pesticides produced by Big Ag giants
like Bayer-Monsanto are a key reason. They can impact bees’ ability to navigate
and reproduce. Not to mention, they can KILL BEES ON CONTACT. If we don’t act
soon, we could stand to lose hundreds of wild bee species forever. We can’t let it come to that.
That’s because bees play a crucial role in their environments and our food
system. In fact, we rely on bees and other pollinators for a whopping 75% of the
world’s food crops. That includes some of the most nutritious foods we eat. If we lose bees, we will also lose many of the foods that keep us healthy!
The EPA has the chance to BAN bee-toxic neonics before the damage is
irreversible. But instead, they could approve them for another 15 years! Bees don’t have 15 years to wait, Friend. These helpful little pollinators need your support more than ever: will you add
your name today and tell the EPA to ban bee-toxic neonics before it’s too late?
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[[link removed]]The facts speak for themselves: neonics have made U.S. agriculture nearly 48x MORE TOXIC TO BEES over the past few decades. Now, it’s harder for bees to support the crops we
rely on. And that impacts people, too. Without access to vital crops and a
healthy diet, people could be at higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer according to a recent study.
Not to mention, neonics can make their way into the very food you eat and can’t
be washed off! They’ve been linked to health impacts like birth defects of the heart and brain, hormone disruption, and autism.
Bee-killers like Bayer-Monsanto have shown time and again that profit is their
priority. The health of pollinators, people, and the planet doesn’t matter as
long as they get their pay day. And the United States EPA is giving them a free
pass. Enough is enough: it’s time to stand up and demand action! We just need 1,249 more signatures from your area to give bees
a fighting chance. Will you stand with us today?
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[[link removed]]Thank you for taking urgent action to save our pollinators!
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