
Believe me when I tell you, we're working like hell during this Primary. From hiring a voter protection team to bringing on constituency organizers, we are laying the groundwork to win Texas. And I mean it when I say that the stakes haven't ever been this damn high.

Early voting for the Texas Primary ends in three days. That means the window to meet our $75,000 end-of-month fundraising goal, our final deadline before Election Day, is also approaching fast. We're only $16,748 away to reaching our target and we can't get there without you.

We're just getting started, and Republicans should be frickin' terrified of what we're building. But for all of us to keep fighting, and to make it to November and beyond, we need your continued support. Can you chip in your first $7 contribution of 2020 before our end-of-month deadline, our last deadline before Election Day?

We know damn well that once Texas goes blue, the Republican path to the White House will be blocked.

Let's fight like hell,

Glen Maxey
Former State Representative

P.S. Be a voter in the Texas Primary -- visit MyTexasVotes.com to confirm your polling place, make a plan to vote, and more.

P.P.S. And I want to see you at your County Convention on March 21st! Click here to pre-register now.

Everything we do now will determine how far we go in November. We need you in the fight with us. We need to raise $75,000 before our end-of-month deadline, our last deadline before Election Day. So I'm asking: can you rush a $7 contribution before our critical deadline?

Paid for by the Texas Democratic Party (www.txdemocrats.org)
and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This email was sent to [email protected]. If you would like to contribute to the Texas Democratic Party click here. If you want to learn more about the Texas Democratic Party, please visit www.texasdemocrats.org. Email is the best way to stay in contact with supporters like you, but if you wish to unsubscribe from all emails from the Texas Democratic Party, please click here.