FL-27 Newsletter
Vol. 118, Issue #29
Dear Friends/Amigos,

August recess is coming to a close, and the legislative session reopens soon in Washington, D.C.! I am excited to bring all of the insights I've gained during my time in Miami back to Washington, where I will continue to defend our interests!

For all Miami residents looking for a nomination to a military academy, recruiters from West Point will be in my District Office tomorrow from 6pm to 8pm. More details below, and the signup link can be found HERE.

It is an honor to serve you in Congress, and please continue to call my office or visit my website to share your thoughts with me.

As always, I invite you to connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to get the latest from Washington and from across our district.


María Elvira Salazar
U.S. Representative (FL-27)
This week, my colleagues and I on the House Small Business Committee questioned Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm over her latest plans to drown ceiling fan manufacturers in more regulations.

The findings of the Committee show that the proposed regulations can put between 10 and 30% of ceiling fan manufacturers out of business!

This new move showcases the ignorance of the Biden Administration's energy agenda. Small businesses make up the majority of my District, and they were clearly not consulted on the creation of this ludicrous proposal.

Read the full letter the Committee and I sent to the Department of Energy here, and the press release explaining the situation here.

¡Para leer sobre cómo la agenda energética de la Administración Biden amenaza a la economía de Miami y de EEUU, lea más aquí!
To all FL-27 residents looking for military academy nominations:

Recruiters from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point will be in my Miami District Office TOMORROW, August 28th from 6pm - 8pm for outreach in our community. If you or anyone you know is interested, sign up at the link HERE to attend!

More details below!
My office is one of the best in Congress for helping our constituents with the federal casework they need. Whether it’s navigating the difficult immigration bureaucracy, securing Social Security benefits, or getting your passports renewed on time before a family vacation, my staff is always willing to help my constituents solve their toughest challenges!

Read some testimonials below!

“[The Caseworker] is a great professional and a great asset to your office. Thank you for all the help” - SAG
“Totalmente un excelente trato muy contento con la ayuda brindada por todo el equipo de trabajo muchas gracias por su ayuda qué Dios los bendiga y que sigan ayudando a mucha personas al igual como lo hicieron conmigo” – JC
“It is clear that my mother's social security issue was resolved through the intervention of Rep. Salazar's office. I did receive an initial communication saying that the request for help was received and that the Office would look into it.” – LP

If you need help with federal casework AND reside in Florida’s 27th congressional district, call my office at (305) 668-2285!
Have questions? Reach me at: https://salazar.house.gov/
Washington, D.C.
2162 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3931
Miami, FL
5725 SW 8TH ST
Suite 200, Miami, FL 33144
Phone: (305) 668-2285