J Street's monthly newsletter:
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Street Talk: J Street's Monthly Newsletter


At J Street, we’re dedicated to representing the values and deeply held concerns of the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters and pro-Israel Americans.

Together, we’re proud to stand at the forefront of the pro-democracy movement – and it’s been a big few months:

📝 We’ve helped rally almost 100 Members of Congress to call on President Biden to support the protest movement and push back firmly against Netanyahu’s anti-democratic agenda.

🏛️ We’re continuing to lead on congressional advocacy for the Israeli Democracy Resolution, a powerful statement of support for the pro-democracy movement and the values underpinning the US-Israel relationship.

✊ Across America, we’re supporting the Israeli-American protest group UnXeptable and others to promote rallies and build the pro-democracy movement at home.

📢 Through advertising and events, we’re promoting pro-democracy Israeli voices, amplifying our shared message.

🛬 The J Street Education Fund has proudly introduced Israeli pro-democracy protest leaders to Members of Congress visiting the region on our congressional delegations.

This month, we’ve also stepped up to engage in an important debate with AIPAC about our competing visions for pro-Israel leadership.

Following AIPAC’s decision to circulate a fundraising letter accusing J Street of being one of the “gravest threats” to the US-Israel relationship, AIPAC itself has received a flood of criticism from all corners, including from former senior staff and leaders of Israel’s pro-democracy movement.

This week’s Street Talk newsletter – which you can find below – is dedicated to providing information and resources you can use to be a part of this important conversation and part of our pro-democracy campaign.

Thank you, sincerely, for joining us in this important work.

Adina Vogel Ayalon
Chief of Staff, J Street

Grassroots donors fuel our advocacy. Would you consider setting a monthly donation to fuel our progress? Hit ‘make it monthly’ to set a contribution to keep the fire burning >>


J Street Leads Advocacy for Israeli Democracy Resolution in the House

US Congress in session

J Street champions Annie Kuster and Jan Schakowsky introduced a powerful, single-page House resolution voicing support for Israel’s democracy and the pro-democracy movement.

Rallying support for the Israeli Democracy Resolution has become a key focus of our Capitol Hill advocacy team. It will send a powerful message of support to Israel’s pro-democracy movement and a clear message of deterrence to Netanyahu’s anti-democratic coalition.

Together, our movement has helped to more than triple the number of cosponsors, with the resolution now backed by more than 40 representatives.

Pro-Israel, pro-democracy groups across the country are calling on Congress to support the J Street-backed resolution. Join the call by signing our petition to Congress today >>

You can view the text of the resolution here and an updated list of the cosponsors here.

AIPAC Receives Flood of Criticism Following Attacks Against J Street

Trump speaks at AIPAC conference

Over the past few weeks – following their wildly out-of-touch multi-page mailer attacking J Street – AIPAC has received a flood of criticism.

From Israeli protesters to their own former staff and former supporters, AIPAC has faced calls to stop embracing anti-democratic candidates and focus on the real threats to the democratic values which ground the US-Israel relationship:

  • AIPAC’s former chief lobbyist wrote: “AIPAC has plunged into partisanship with a hard turn to the Right, embracing Evangelical Christians, hardline conservative Republicans, and election deniers whose views on everything but Israel were largely anathema to the mainstream Jewish community.”
  • Leaders of Israel’s pro-democracy movement wrote: “[AIPAC] is effectively turning from a pro-Israel organization to one that promotes the anti-democratic overhaul and the de facto annexation of the West Bank.”
  • 35-year veteran AIPAC member, Rabbi Marc Israel, wrote that AIPAC is now undermining its own pro-Israel cause and that J Street is now leading American Jewish efforts to organize pro-Israel, pro-democracy support: “This is why I joined J Street and its Rabbinic Cabinet.”
  • Former AIPAC staff member Ken Toltz wrote: “After remaining a committed activist and supporter for decades, and moving to Israel four years ago, I too have come out publicly against political strategies and tactics employed by AIPAC. They are antithetical to the values instilled in me as to how American Jews should support Israel politically in Washington.”

As J Street’s own leadership wrote in The Forward: “The US-Israel relationship, and the country’s democratic future, do face grave and existential threats – and those threats happen to be coming from the very dark corners that AIPAC’s current strategy empowers.”

J Street is proud to be representing the concerns and values of the overwhelming majority of Jewish and pro-Israrel Americans. Proud to be pushing back against the MAGA movement at home and the Netanyahu government’s anti-democratic agenda in Israel.

We don’t have right-wing mega-donors, but we do have thousands of supporters across the country chipping in to fuel our shared mission. Would you consider setting up a monthly donation? Hit ‘make it monthly’ to set a contribution to fuel our advocacy >>

J Street Speaks with Israeli Pro-Democracy Protest Spokesperson Josh Drill

Josh Drill speaks at pro-democracy rally

In our latest “Our Israel” profile of inspiring Israeli leaders, we spoke to Josh Drill, international spokesperson for Israel’s pro-democracy movement. He had strong words for establishment “pro-Israel” groups in the United States.

“If you’re not opposing what Netanyahu’s doing, then you’re on his side,” he told J Street in an interview from Tel Aviv. Organizations like AIPAC and Stand With Us – which offer uncritical support for the Israeli government and turn a blind eye to threats to Israel’s democratic character – are “detrimental to Israel's democracy,” he said.

Born in New Jersey, Drill made aliyah after graduating high school and enlisted in the IDF. Over the years, Drill’s love for his Jewish homeland has evolved but never wavered. Today, he’s a fierce critic of the occupation and a leading voice for Israel’s pro-democracy movement.

“In this critical and historic time, stand on the correct side of history,” he told J Street.

Read J Street’s full profile of Josh Drill >>

Resource: Introducing J Street

J Street reintroduction video

In recent months, J Street has seen a surge of interest in our pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democacy movement.

We aspire to be an inclusive and welcoming political home for the overwhelming majority of Jewish, Democratic and pro-Israel Americans who are committed to supporting a just, safe and democratic future for all Israelis and Palestinians.

For those who are new to our movement, or who are looking for a resource to introduce new members to our movement, we’ve put together a brief welcome video explaining who we are and what we stand for.

Watch and share our introduction video here >>

A Deeper Dive: Netanyahu’s Dangerously Unreasonable Amendment

Protesters outside the Knesset

The J Street Policy Center – J Street’s home for top-level policy and analysis – is dedicated to helping our community and members of Congress understand the impact of American, Israeli and international policies.

J Street Policy Director Dr. Debra Shushan's latest analysis focuses on the first legislated plank of Netanyahu’s judicial "reforms" – the removal of “reasonableness” as an issue which Israeli courts can review.

The change “amends Israel’s basic law on the judiciary by taking away a key tool used by the Supreme Court to review the government’s administrative decisions and determine whether discretion was exercised in an extremely unreasonable way,” Dr. Shushan writes.

The reasonableness standard has previously stood in the way of attempts to fire the Attorney General, appoint corrupt officials, block judicial appointments and discriminate against Palestinians and Arab-Israelis.

Read and share Dr. Shushan’s full analysis >>


J Street Conference session

Since J Street’s first conference almost 15 years ago, we’ve understood the power of bringing together the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy community. This coming year, we’re reimagining what J Street’s annual gathering can be.

A main stage with stellar speakers. A broader range of meet-ups and side events. More opportunities to socialize and learn from each other. More partners, more special guests, and more chances to meet our champions. Arts and culture. More exploration of what DC has to offer: The sights, the people, the food.

We’re also calling it something new – not a conference, but a convention.

Mark your calendars and grab your early-bird tickets for our relaunched National Convention on April 6 – 9 2024. Use promo code “STREETTALK” for a 10% discount on your tickets.

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© 2023 J Street | www.jstreet.org | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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