This broken status quo has been allowed to persist for too long.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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Friends -

Chris pledged not to take a dime of PAC and corporate money for his reelection. So we wanted to share a bit about that decision — and why it makes your support even more important.

Most politicians in Washington take this money, and Chris is willing to admit even he did in his early Senate days. It was just how things were done when he was first elected, but he knows it’s not worth it. This broken status quo has been allowed to persist for too long.

Chris refuses to participate in a system where money is used to get corporations access to power. People need to know that his only duty is to represent their interests.

We all see how corporations and special interests flood Congress with lobbyists and pummel voters with propaganda on the airwaves. They use super PACs and the PAC fundraising system to gain influence with political leaders. It makes folks wonder whether regular people will get a fair shake.

Chris wanted to make sure there was no question about who he serves — he always has and always will prioritize the needs of the people.

This decision was the right one, but it comes with a price. We’re leaving a huge amount of money on the table. Senate races are incredibly expensive, and lots of campaigns rake in multi-millions of dollars this way.

But Chris is counting on folks like you instead. We know people cannot give every time we ask, but what matters is we all give just a little bit whenever we can afford it. So what do you say?

Will you please consider making a $3 contribution to Chris Murphy’s re-election today? It would go a long way toward shifting the power back to the people.

From our fundraising to organizing, every step of the way this will be a people-powered campaign. We hope it makes you proud to be a part of this movement.

Every action you take in support of our campaign helps show that people have Chris’ back on this decision. It’s a powerful message about what you expect from our elected officials.

Thank you!

- Team Murphy



Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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