URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Support Indigenous communities in Ecuador fighting factory farms run by the country’s largest meat company! >> Take action now!

I just returned from a trip to Ecuador where I witnessed firsthand the impact of PRONACA’s factory farms on local Indigenous communities. I was shocked, saddened, angered, and ashamed that my taxpayer dollars had supported the horrors that one elder I spoke with – Mia – and others in her community are facing.      

PRONACA’s massive industrial operations cram THOUSANDS of animals together, churning out an unbelievable amount of FECAL WASTE directly into the nearby Peripa River! For the Tsáchilas people whom I met, the river isn’t just essential for food and economic security – it is at the core of who they are. Sacred. But due in part to PRONACA’s factory farms, the community can no longer use the river. Mia told me she finds thousands of dead fish on the bank of the river every few months, and the ones that are left are too contaminated to eat. 

Not only is PRONACA the largest and most powerful meat company in Ecuador, but its expansion is being funded by millions of taxpayer dollars through the World Bank! Now, PRONACA is planning to TRIPLE the size of its factory farm next to the Tsáchilas Indigenous community. 

Mia and her community asked for our help in their fight against PRONACA’s factory farm pollution. Friend, will you help to amplify their voices? Demand the World Bank STOP financing factory farm expansions by 11:59pm TONIGHT!

PRONACA’s pollution has direct impacts on communities’ health too. People have reported unbearably foul odors and other air pollution. They have also reported a surge in health problems, including elevated rates of skin, respiratory, and gastrointestinal cancer.

The World Bank is meant to support sustainable development. Yet, it failed to consult with Indigenous communities or consider the harm that would befall them before financing PRONACA’s factory farm expansion, violating its own policies. Even more public money is likely to be funneled to factory farms – that’s why we need 3,392 more messages to the World Bank by midnight tonight! Fight PRONACA and other Big Ag companies – tell the World Bank to stop funding factory farms! >>

Standing with you,
Ashley Schaeffer Yildiz
Senior Agriculture and Climate Finance Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
