The hard reality is that less than 1% of Common Dreams readers ever donate.Friend,
From day one, Common Dreams has been committed to never, ever putting
our journalism behind a paywall. We never want anyone to be unable to
access the news and information they need because they can’t afford
As a result, millions of people have come to rely on Common Dreams for
coverage that they’ll never, ever get from the corporate media.
But here’s the reality: Less than 1% of all Common Dreams readers ever
Now, we understand that some of our readers truly can’t afford even a
small donation. If that’s you, then please save your money. No shame,
no stigma.
But if you can afford to make a donation—even $5 or $10—then we
truly need your help. The stakes are so high now that we can’t afford
to fall backward.
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When we started, we were repeatedly told that people would never
voluntarily donate enough money to support a progressive news operation.
For more than 20 years, we’ve proven those naysayers wrong.
Please support Common Dreams’ mission today: To inform. To inspire. To
ignite change for the common good.
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With solidarity and gratitude,
Kimberly Monaghan
Board Chair
on behalf of the Common Dreams team
PS: Common Dreams relies on our sustaining donors to keep us going full
steam ahead. Will you become a monthly donor today?
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Common Dreams, PO Box 443, Portland, ME 04112, United States
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