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Weekend Edition, August 26-27, 2023


US Empire-First Policy Led to a Quagmire of Forever Wars…

David Stockman

Portrait of a Major Media Rebel: A Review of Chadwick Moore’s Tucker

Douglas Young

Ukraine Will ‘Capitulate Unconditionally’ – Scott Ritter

RT News

The Meaningless, Destructive Minimum Wage

Jacob G. Hornberger

Campaign Photo

James Howard Kunstler

No End to the Neocon Lies About a Victorious Ukraine

Kurt Nimmo

The Anthrax Attacks and the Patriot Act

The Naked Emperor’s Newsletter

How To Spot Bulls*t Arguments

Robyn Chuter

U.S. Doubles Uranium Imports From Russia

Mac Slavo

Why Was a Barricade Blocking The Only Paved Road Out of Lahaina?

Michael Snyder

Endocrinologist Heather Patisaul: EPA & FDA Complicit w/ Industry in Poisoning American Public

Suzan Mazur

CDC Now Refusing New Covid Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program

Justin Hart

Political Theatre

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