Add your voice to help end the debt trap
(View online) ([link removed])
Dear friend,
Has debt had an impact on your life, or affected someone you know?
We hope the answer is no. But unfortunately one in four of us in the UK are affected by problem debts.
If you are willing to tell us about your experience, you can help us show the Government the true cost of rip-off lending.
We are collecting as many stories as possible to send anonymously to the Treasury, to push them to end the debt trap.
Tell us about your experience of debt ([link removed])
If you are having trouble with debt we recommend you seek advice ([link removed]) soon as possible.
Millions of people in the UK are struggling and the early months of the year can be especially hard. With a new government in place, now is the time to demand an end to the household debt trap.
If you, or someone you know, has struggled with debt — add your voice to the campaign.
Share your story ([link removed])
Thanks, as ever, for all that you do,
Jubilee Debt Campaign
P.S. If you're worried about your debt contact Citizen’s Advice ([link removed]) , StepChange ([link removed]) or National Debtline ([link removed]) for free confidential advice.
Copyright © 2020 Jubilee Debt Campaign, All rights reserved.
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Jubilee Debt Campaign
The Grayston Centre
28 Charles Square
London, London N1 6HT
United Kingdom
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