Dov Hikind challenges Tlaib at Rutgers University
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Face-Off With Rashida Tlaib: A Personal Story ([link removed]) Dov Hikind challenges Tlaib at Rutgers University Listen and Share ([link removed])
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Today's Islamic Conquest of the West ([link removed]) Immigration & political Islam: Are we allowed to question these modern-day 'conquests'? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Baltimore High School Links Trump to Nazis in Lesson Plan ([link removed]) Propaganda paid for by your tax dollars Read and Share ([link removed])
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News Analysis
Detroit Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Anti-Semitic Hate Group ([link removed]) Fawning over Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Somali Leader Confirms: Ilhan Omar Married Brother ([link removed])
“And!?!?!? Still waiting for someone in DC to grow a spine. Thus far, it has not happened. WOW!!!”
- L.C.
Canada: Seeding the State With Totalitarianism ([link removed])
“I left Canada 13 years ago because I was sick of Big Brother and outrageous taxes. It's only gotten worse. Not sure why Canadians voted in Trudeau again. It's mind boggling. I don't even recognize my former birth country anymore.”
- C.F.
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